
Joint security commitments between the European Union and Ukraine

The European Union and Ukraine share common values, namely democracy, respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms, and the rule of…

Energy Charter Treaty: EU notifies its withdrawal

The European Union took the final and formal step of exiting the Energy Charter Treaty.

Council adopts position on compulsory licensing regulation

The Council has adopted its negotiating mandate on the regulation for compulsory licensing for crisis management.

EU opens accession negotiations with Moldova

The EU held the first Intergovernmental Conference at ministerial level to open accession negotiations with the Republic of Moldova.

EUBAM Rafah and EUPOL COPPS: Council prolongs the mandates

The Council decided to prolong until 30 June 2025 the mandates of two of its Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) civilian missions:…

EU opens accession negotiations with Ukraine

The EU held the first Intergovernmental Conference at ministerial level to open accession negotiations with Ukraine.

The European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic sign an Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement

European Union and the Kyrgyz Republic signed an Enhanced Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (EPCA) in Brussels, as an important…

Council greenlights agreements on the EEA and Norwegian Financial Mechanisms

The Council adopted a decision on the signature and provisional application of the agreements on the European Economic Area (EEA) and…

Blueprint for protecting EU citizens and the internal market

Because disruptions to critical infrastructure may have repercussions in many EU member states, the Council adopted a recommendation on a…

Ukrainian refugees: Council extends temporary protection

The Council adopted a decision to extend the temporary protection until 4 March 2026 for the more than 4 million Ukrainians fleeing from…