
Commission unveils action plan to protect the health sector from cyberattacks

The Commission has presented an EU action plan aimed at bolstering the cybersecurity of hospitals and healthcare providers.

Switzerland will be invited to participate in the ‘Military Mobility’

The Council adopted a decision confirming that the participation of Switzerland in the PESCO project ‘Military Mobility’ meets the general…

Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad: Council extends restrictive measures

The Council decided to extend by one year, until 20 January 2026, the existing restrictive measures against those who support, facilitate…

Venezuela: Council renews restrictive measures and lists a further 15 individuals

The Council has decided to prolong the restrictive measures in view of the situation in Venezuela for a further year, until 10 January 2026.

Lebanon: statement by the High Representative on behalf of the EU on the presidential election

The European Union warmly congratulates Joseph Aoun on his election as President of the Republic of Lebanon.

NFNZ má za sebou rekordní rok. David Klimeš přestoupí do expertní rady

Nadační fond rozdělil historicky nejvyšší sumu 6,7 milionu pro nejrůznější mediální projekty.

EU-Japan strategic partnership: framework agreement

The first-ever bilateral framework agreement between the EU and its member states and Japan, the Strategic Partnership Agreement (SPA),…

Ministr Vlček nabídl Slovensku přepravní a zásobníkové kapacity plynu

Ministr průmyslu a obchodu Lukáš Vlček odeslal dopis slovenské místopředsedkyni vlády a ministryni hospodářství Denise Sakové, ve kterém…

Nový srovnávač cen energií pomůže spotřebitelům ušetřit

Novela energetického zákona Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu přinese rozšířený srovnávač cen elektřiny a plynu.

Council gives green light to package of measures for member states affected by natural disasters

The Council adopted a set of two regulations aimed at helping member states affected by natural disasters.