
Member states agree to extend voluntary 15% gas demand reduction target

The Council reached a political agreement on a proposal to extend the member states’ voluntary 15% gas demand reduction target, for one…

Council adopts decision on market stability reserve

The Council adopted a separate decision amending the market stability reserve.

Trade: political agreement on the anti-coercion instrument

The Council and the European Parliament reached a provisional political agreement on the anti-coercion instrument.

Provisional agreement for more recharging and refuelling stations across Europe

More recharging and refuelling stations for alternative fuels will be deployed in the coming years across Europe enabling the transport…

Češi darovali na pomoc Ukrajině více než 5 miliard korun, mohou si je odečíst z daní

Češi od začátku války na Ukrajině darovali jenom v sedmi největších sbírkách téměř 5 miliard korun.

Závery Európskej rady o Ukrajine

Európska rada si vymenila názory s generálnym tajomníkom Organizácie Spojených národov Antóniom Guterresom.

Data act: member states agree common position on fair access to and use of data

With a view to making the EU a leader in our data-driven society, member states’ representatives (Coreper) reached a common position …

Council greenlights main elements of the Windsor Framework

The Council has adopted two decisions related to the Windsor Framework, a new joint way forward on the Protocol on Ireland/Northern Ireland…

EU-Iraq Joint Declaration on sustainable development, green transition, governance, regional connect

The EU and Iraq, in the framework of implementation of their Partnership and Cooperation Agreement of 2012, will deepen and intensify…

Afghanistan: Council approves conclusions

The Council approved conclusions reaffirming EU’s principled commitment to peace and stability in Afghanistan and to supporting the people…