
Druhou výzvu programu Obchůdek 2021+ využilo všech třináct krajů

Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu v rámci druhé výzvy dotačního programu Obchůdek 2021+ podpořilo 599 maloobchodních prodejen ve venkovských…

Rada sa dohodla na pozícii k návrhu rozpočtu

Veľvyslanci členských štátov pri EÚ (Coreper) sa dnes dohodli na pozícii Rady k návrhu rozpočtu EÚ na rok 2024.

Commission proposes to strengthen the rights of victims of crime

All the victims of crime across the European Union deserve support. Today's initiative of the European Commission aims to strengthen their…

Greening freight for more economic gain with less environmental impact

The Commission is proposing measures to make freight transport more efficient and more sustainable, by improving rail infrastructure…

Council adopts an assistance measure in support of Ghana Armed Forces

The Council adopted an assistance measure under the European Peace Facility worth €8.25 million to support the Ghana Armed Forces.

European Commission adopts new adequacy decision for safe and trusted EU-US data flows

The European Commission adopted its adequacy decision for the EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework.

Úrokové sazby ještě porostou – Fed, ECB a ČNB

„Centrální banky ve svém tažení proti inflaci nedosahují očekávaných výsledků, a to je staví do nepohodlné pozice,“ říká analytik BHS Timur…

Council adopts €100 million assistance to North Macedonia

The EU will provide €100 million of macro-financial assistance to North Macedonia. The assistance will contribute to supporting North…

Maritime transport emissions

The Commission welcomes the agreement reached today at the International Maritime Organization (IMO) to revise its 2018 strategy on…

Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)

The European Union (EU) welcomes the final report by the UN Group of Experts mandated by the UN Sanctions Committee on the Democratic…