Saldo státního rozpočtu za leden až květen 2021 dosáhlo –255,0 mld. Kč
Hospodaření státního rozpočtu skončilo na konci května deficitem ve výši 255,0 mld. Kč.
Hospodaření státního rozpočtu skončilo na konci května deficitem ve výši 255,0 mld. Kč.
The Council has received formal notifications about the approval of the own resources decision from all 27 member states.
The Council gave its final green light to the adoption of the cohesion package for the financial period 2021-2027.
The Council extended EU restrictive measures against the Syrian regime for one additional year, until 1 June 2022, in light of the…
The Council approved conclusions on a sustainable blue economy, which is based on four pillars: healthy oceans, knowledge, prosperity and…
The Council today adopted conclusions setting the 2022-2025 EU priorities for the fight against serious and organised crime through the…
The Belarusian authorities, in an inadmissible step, forced a civilian plane to perform an emergency landing in Minsk.
The Council’s Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) today gave its unanimous support to the political agreement reached with the…
Council adopted conclusions welcoming the Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament and the Council on the "EU’s…
Decision to support the launch of negotiations for an international treaty on the fight against pandemics.