
Common charger: EU ministers give final approval to one-size-fits-all charging port

The Council gave its final approval to the common charger directive.

Výstavba Gigafactory: MPO uspořádalo jednání s obcemi z okolí letiště Líně

Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu zorganizovalo společné jednání zástupců obcí, Plzeňského kraje, státních institucí i zástupce investora k…

EU-Australia relations: framework agreement enters into force

The framework agreement between the EU and Australia officially enters into force, marking a new phase in the bilateral relationship.

EU sanctions three individuals and one entity in relation to the use of Iranian drones in Russian ag

The Council added three Iranian individuals and one Iranian entity to the list of those subject to restrictive measures for undermining or…

European long-term investment funds: Provisional agreement reached

The EU is making further progress on the capital markets union (CMU), a plan to create a single market for capital in order to get…

Armenia-Azerbaijan: EU sets up monitoring capacity along the international borders

The Council decided to deploy up to 40 EU monitoring experts along the Armenian side of the international border with Azerbaijan with the…

ISIL/Da’esh and Al-Qaeda: EU restrictive measures prolonged for an additional year

The Council adopted a decision prolonging the restrictive measures against ISIL/Da’esh and Al-Qaeda and persons, groups, undertakings and…

Baltic Sea: Council agrees catch limits for 2023

Agriculture and Fisheries ministers reach a political agreement on Baltic Sea catch limits for 2023.

Iran: EU sanctions perpetrators of serious human rights violations

The Council added eleven individuals and four entities to the list of those subject to restrictive measures in the context of the existing…

Council decides to sign agreement with North Macedonia on Frontex operational cooperation

The Council adopted a decision to sign an agreement on border management cooperation between the European Border and Coast Guard Agency …