
Council Presidency and European Parliament reach provisional agreement on a regulation

The Council Presidency and the European Parliament reached a provisional agreement on a regulation on autonomous measures.

European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States call for an ambitious

December the European Union and the Organisation of African, Caribbean, and Pacific States (OACPS) will support the adoption of an…

Council and European Parliament agree on new product safety rules

The Council and the European Parliament have reached a provisional agreement on the general product safety regulation (GPSR).

Council adds the violation of restrictive measures to the list of EU crimes

The Council unanimously adopted a decision to add the violation of restrictive measures to the list of ‘EU crimes’ included in the Treaty…

Council takes action to boost school success of children across the EU

The EU ministers of education agreed on measures to reduce the share of those leaving education and training early and to bring down under…

EU highlights the importance of well-being in digital education

The Council has agreed on a common position on supporting well-being in digital education.

Youth Action Plan: Council involves young people in policy-making

The Council approved conclusions on the Youth Action Plan for engaging young people in EU external action.

Disaster Risk Reduction: Council calls for EU’s proactive crisis response

The Council approved conclusions asking for a proactive and anticipatory crisis response.

Ministři obchodu projednali v Bruselu pomoc Ukrajině, vztahy s USA a reformu Světové obchodní organi

Reforma Světové obchodní organizace (WTO), obchodní vztahy mezi Evropskou unií a USA a další pomoc Ukrajině v oblasti obchodu.

Council agrees on substance of new measures on joint purchases of gas and a solidarity mechanism

EU energy ministers today agreed on the content of the proposal for a Council regulation on further temporary emergency measures to contain…