
Human rights violations: EU lists 18 individuals and five entities responsible for gender-based viol

The Council imposed restrictive measures against 18 individuals and 5 entities under the EU Global Human Rights Sanctions Regime, because…

Iran: EU adopts new restrictive measures for military support to Syria and Russia's war

The Council today established a new framework for restrictive measures in view of Iran's military support of Russia's war of aggression…

Cyber resilience act: member states agree common position on security requirements for digital produ

With a view to ensuring that products with digital components, such as connected home cameras, smart fridges, TVs, and toys, are safe…

Ministr Síkela jednal v Tádžikistánu a Uzbekistánu o rozvoji obchodních vztahů

Ministr průmyslu a obchodu Jozef Síkela navštívil s podnikateli Tádžikistán a Uzbekistán.

MPO podpoří částkou 160 milionů korun další projekty na obnovu brownfieldů

Ministerstvo průmyslu a obchodu vyhlásilo novou výzvu v programu Regenerace brownfieldů pro podnikatelské využití. Pro žadatele, tedy…

EU and Chile strengthen cooperation on sustainable critical raw materials supply chains

As part of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States Summit (EU-CELAC) taking place in Brussels on 17 and 18 July, President…

EU and Uruguay boost cooperation on renewable energy, energy efficiency and renewable hydrogen

the EU and Uruguay have decided to step up their cooperation in pursuing the clean energy transition. At the EU-CELAC Summit in Brussels,…

EU-CELAC Summit: towards a closer, stronger and renewed partnership between both regions

The European Union and the Community of Latin American and the Caribbean states (CELAC) held their 3rd Summit in Brussels.

Day of International Criminal Justice

Access to justice is a fundamental human right.

Ukraine: Statement by the High Representative

On 17 July, we commemorate the ninth anniversary of the tragic downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, when 298 people of 17 different…