
The Council adopted conclusions on resilience and crisis response

The Council adopted conclusions on enhancing preparedness, response capability and resilience to future crises.

EU public sector expertise: a key asset at the service of EU's partner countries

Council conclusions on European Public Sector Expertise in the EU's External Action

Council launches the 4th wave of new PESCO projects

The Council adopted a decision updating the list of projects to be undertaken under the EU permanent structured cooperation (PESCO).

EU broadens scope for sanctions to tackle hybrid attacks and instrumentalisation of migrants

The Council amended its sanctions regime in view of the situation at the EU’s border with Belarus, so as to be able to respond to the…

Council stresses the need to fully implement and universalise the NPT treaty

The Council approved conclusions welcoming the upcoming tenth review conference of the parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of…

Convention on certain conventional weapons: Council approves conclusions

The Council approved conclusions welcoming the upcoming sixth review conference of the convention on prohibitions or restrictions on the…

Declaration by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union on the situation in Myanmar/B

One year ago, on 8 November 2020, the people of Myanmar cast their ballots in large numbers in the country’s general elections. Their…

Today is international day to end impunity for crimes against journalists

As the publisher at OCCRP, crimes against journalists are something I encounter too often.

Saldo státního rozpočtu za leden až říjen dosáhlo –335,0 mld. Kč

Hospodaření státního rozpočtu skončilo na konci října deficitem ve výši 335,0 mld. Kč.

G20 Rome Leaders’ Declaration

We, the Leaders of the G20, met in Rome on October 30th and 31st, to address today’s most pressing global challenges