Council approves negotiating mandate on visa liberalisation for Kuwait and Qatar
The Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) approved the Council’s negotiating mandate on the liberalisation of short-stay visas for…
The Permanent Representatives Committee (Coreper) approved the Council’s negotiating mandate on the liberalisation of short-stay visas for…
The member states agreed on a mandate for negotiations with the European Parliament on the proposal for a regulation on the Union secure…
Podpora výzkumu, inovací, chytré energetiky i cirkulární ekonomiky. Evropská komise (EK) schválila nový Operační program Technologie a…
The Council gave its green light to the extension of the regulation establishing the EU digital COVID certificate.
The Council adopted its negotiating positions (general approaches) on two legislative proposals that tackle the energy aspects of the EU’s…
Member States agreed on a mandate for negotiations with the European Parliament on the proposal for a regulation on machinery products.
Dodávky plynu do České republiky jsou v současné době stabilní a bez výpadků. Tuzemské zásobníky jsou naplněny ze 66 procent, je v nich 2…
Vláda schválila na návrh Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu novelu energetického zákona, která zavádí úsporný tarif jako opatření na pomoc…
Against the backdrop of increasing threats to journalists and thus impediments to freedom of expression and freedom to inform, the Council…
The Council and the Parliament reached a provisional deal concerning the revision of annexes to the persistent organic pollutant regulation…