Iran: Statement by the High Representative on behalf of the European Union

Recalling the December 2022 Council conclusions, the European Union strongly rejects Iran’s practice of arbitrary detention targeting EU and dual EU-Iranian nationals, and calls upon Iran to end the distressing practice of detaining foreign civilians with a view to making political gains.

The increasing number of EU citizens currently detained by Iran on spurious grounds is of great concern. Many of them are held in degrading conditions with no chance of a fair trial.

The European Union calls on Iran to strictly abide by its international obligations, in particular under the Vienna Conventions on Diplomatic and Consular Relations and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights to which Iran is a party. It stresses that the policy currently pursued by Iran, including the restrictions imposed on consular access to EU nationals, the denial of consular protection and the right to a fair trial, stands in direct violation of international law.

The European Union expects the Iranian authorities to facilitate the exercise of consular functions by the EU Member States concerned by allowing them to communicate and have regular access to their nationals, as required by international law, including the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, to which Iran is a party.

Due to the acute risk to their personal security, EU member states recommend to their nationals, in line with their respective national risk assessments, to avoid travelling to Iran.

The European Union and its Member States will continue to closely monitor the situation and will act as appropriate.