President Michel met with the new Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina

President of the European Council Charles Michel met with the new Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Chairwoman Željka Cvijanović and Members Željko Komšić and Denis Bećirović on February 15, 2023.

During their first joint visit to Brussels, the President congratulated the Presidency for their election, underlining that their mandate coincides with a defining moment for the relations between the European Union and Bosnia and Herzegovina.

The December European Council's decision to grant candidate status to Bosnia and Herzegovina was a historic moment and a signal that the EU supports the European aspirations of the people of BiH.

The Presidency has an important responsibility to make the most of this unique momentum and swiftly proceed with necessary work.

In particular this means implementing the commitments of the June 2022 Brussels Political Agreement (Political Agreement on principles for ensuring a functional Bosnia and Herzegovina that advances on its European path) and steps from the Commission's October recommendation.

The President of the European Council furthermore stressed that the reforms and the fulfilment of the 14 key priorities from the Opinion remain key for Bosnia and Herzegovina’s further progress on its EU path.

The President strongly encouraged the Presidency to develop, together with the Council of Ministers, a concrete roadmap for implementation of the key priorities with precise timelines for each step.

He also stressed the need of swiftly mandating the Council of Ministers to conclude the revised Status Agreement with Frontex and to sign and ratify the regional mobility agreements without delay to bring practical and tangible benefits to the population.

He furthermore underlined the importance of alignment with the EU Common Foreign and Security Policy.

The President stressed that the European Union remains ready to accompany and support Bosnia and Herzegovina in these efforts.