The European Union and Malaysia sign Partnership and Cooperation Agreement

The European Union and Malaysia signed the EU-Malaysia Partnership and Cooperation Agreement (PCA) in Brussels.

This agreement will enhance the political dialogue on issues of global concern and will give more scope for mutually beneficial cooperation in a wide number of policy areas, including the environment, energy, climate change, transport, trade, employment and social affairs, human rights, agriculture, non-proliferation, counter-terrorism, the fight against organised crime and migration.

High Representative/Vice-President Josep Borrell said: "The European Union and Malaysia are further strengthening their ties to work more closely together. The Partnership and Cooperation Agreement consolidates existing areas of cooperation and engagement and deepens and diversifies relations further in areas of mutual interest."

The signing ceremony marks the successful closure of negotiations that started in October 2010. The Agreement was initialled on 6 April 2016 by the chief negotiators of the European Union and Malaysia, at a ceremony held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Malaysia in Putrajaya.

The PCA will enter into force once it has been ratified by the EU Member States and Malaysia.

The EU was represented by the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy/Vice-President of the European Commission Josep Borrell Fontelles, and its Member States by Czech Prime Minister Petr Fiala. Malaysia was represented by Foreign Minister of Malaysia Senator Dato’ Seri Diraja Dr Zambry Abd Kadir.


In November 2004 the Council authorised the Commission to negotiate individual Framework Agreements on Partnership and Cooperation with Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, and Brunei.

Negotiations for similar agreements were concluded with Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Singapore and Thailand. The PCA with Vietnam, the Philippines and Indonesia has already entered into force.

For the time being EU - Malaysia bilateral relations are based upon a European Commission–ASEAN Cooperation Agreement signed in 1980. The new Partnership and Cooperation Agreement will replace this current agreement and strongly reinforce relations.