Paschal Donohoe re-elected Eurogroup President

The Eurogroup re-elected by consensus Paschal Donohoe, Minister for Finance of Ireland, as President of the Eurogroup, for a second term of two and a half years that will start from 13 January 2023.

It is a great honour to serve as President of the Eurogroup and I am grateful that my fellow ministers entrust me with chairing our discussions for a second term. I have been, and will continue to be, a genuine and honest broker in our negotiations, ensuring that all voices and positions are taken into account. Since autumn 2021, the Eurogroup has been at the forefront in both assessing and analysing the impact of higher energy prices and inflation on the euro area economy. Now that I am re-elected, my first priority will be to strengthen this coordination.

Paschal Donohoe, President of the Eurogroup
Paschal Donohoe
Paschal Donohoe

The President has been in office since 13 July 2020.

The Eurogroup is an informal body where ministers of euro area member states discuss matters of common concern in relation to sharing the euro as the single currency. It focuses on the close coordination of economic policies. It usually meets once a month, on the eve of the Economic and Financial Affairs Council meeting.

The first Eurogroup meeting took place on 4 June 1998 in Luxembourg. The first President of the Eurogroup was Jean-Claude Juncker. He was succeeded by Jeroen Dijsselbloem, Mário Centeno and Paschal Donohoe.