
Instant payments: Council and Parliament reach provisional agreement

The Council and the European Parliament have reached a political agreement on the instant payments proposal, which will improve the…

Transparency and targeting of political advertising: EU co-legislators strike deal on new regulation

The Council presidency and European Parliament negotiators have reached a provisional agreement on the main political elements of a new…

Výstavba strategicky významné infrastruktury se urychlí, poslanci schválili novelu

Poslanecká sněmovna schválila novelu liniového zákona, která má za cíl zrychlit realizaci mnohem širšího okruhu staveb, než tomu bylo…

European Union on the revocation of the ratification to the Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty

Russia has signed into national law the revocation of its ratification of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT).

Blíží se konec vládních stropů. MPO doporučuje: Ověřte si podmínky své smlouvy na dodávky energií

Dodavatelé energií letos snižují ceny svých produktů. Situace na trzích s energiemi se ale může rychle měnit a nemusí tak pro laika být…

EU welcomes opening of Rafah border crossing and safe passage of EU citizens

The EU welcomes the evacuation of a number of EU citizens and other foreign nationals, as well as injured persons via the Rafah border…

Vláda schválila cestovní mapu pro rozvoj malých a středních reaktorů v Česku

Vláda schválila materiál Ministerstva průmyslu a obchodu (MPO) nazvaný Plán pro malé a střední reaktory v České republice – využití a…

Commission welcomes G7 leaders' agreement on Guiding Principles and a Code of Conduct on Artificial

The Commission welcomes today's agreement by G7 leaders on International Guiding Principles on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and a voluntary…

EU and Japan conclude landmark deal on cross-border data flows at High-Level Economic Dialogue

The EU and Japan have concluded, on the margins of the G7 Trade Ministerial in Osaka, a landmark deal to make doing business in the online…

Global Gateway Forum kick starts to boost sustainable investments in infrastructure

The first Global Gateway Forum opened in Brussels. It brought together over 40 high-level Government representatives, financial…